lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016


The history of robotics is linked to the construction of "artifacts" that tried to materialize the desire to create human beings in His likeness and that descargasen work. The Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo (who built the first remote control for your car by wireless telegraphy, the automatic chess player, the first air shuttle and many other mills) coined the term "automatic" in relation to the theory of automation traditionally associated tasks.

Karel Capek, a Czech writer, coined in 1921 the term "Robot" in his play Rossum's Universal Robots / R.u.r., from the Czech word Robota, meaning servitude or forced labor. The term robotics is coined by Isaac Asimov, defining the science of robots. Asimov also created the three laws of robotics. In science fiction man has imagined robots visiting new worlds, seizing power, or simply alleviating the housework.

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